Dat Viet paves the way with a Facebook-First strategy
Crowned as Vietnam’s largest media entertainment technology ecosystem, Dat Viet brings a wide catalogue of premium content to the TV screens of 97 million Vietnamese. A prolific entertainment company since its establishment in 1994, Dat Viet boasts more than 15 member companies today, including Vie Network and Dong Tay Promotion.
The media giant has adopted a Facebook-first approach, pivoting from a traditional entertainment company to digital. Dat Viet repurposed its long-form premium TV content as bite-sized Facebook Watch content, featuring popular film series, music shows and celebrity-fueled game shows.
Today, Dat Viet triumphs as one of Vietnam’s most successful media companies, owing much of its monetization success to Facebook In-stream Ads.
- Provide fans with an exclusive supply of premium Facebook content.
- Enhance relationships with audiences through continuous engagement.
- Generate greater ad revenue through monetized videos and In-stream Ads.
#1 Go Facebook-first. Create premium short form video content, exclusive to Facebook Watch. Then make more!
Dat Viet’s original Facebook strategy was to use Facebook as a marketing channel, driving awareness of TV shows being aired on its traditional TV channels. The team primarily posted Show and talent photos.
This approach was turned on its head when they started to view Facebook as a place where fans would come to watch their favourite shows.
In response, the team began to produce and edit premium video content that would be shown exclusively on Facebook.
Dat Viet established a dedicated Facebook production team. The video production team was expanded from 3 to 50 people within a year, each working to edit specifically for Facebook Watch. Each video produced by this team kicked off with a captivating opening to instantly draw viewers in, and was no less than three minutes in length. These enticing, 3-min+ videos ensured the teams could capitalize on In-stream Ads revenue.
Since 2019, Dat Viet’s video production volume has nearly doubled.
#2 Focus on meaningful audience engagement
The key for Dat Viet has been to consistently produce monetizable video content that is relatable. With the help of Creator Studio, Dat Viet monitors daily trends and now understands what types of content their audience enjoys watching.
This VieShows video celebrating a game between Vietnam’s national football team and Indonesia, is a great example of how Dat Viet’s team responds with relevant content to trending topics (like popular sports wins).
Utilising CrowdTangle , the team were able to track trending topics and analyze competitors’ content. These ingredients made up the team’s recipe for deeply engaging videos that appeal to their audiences.
The team also stimulates greater participation by striking up conversations and interacting with audiences in the comments.
#3 Maximize Facebook tools and functions
To optimize their reach and viewership, Dat Viet utilized a variety of Facebook tools and functions —namely Groups, Facebook Stories and Premiere.
When Dat Viet has new and exclusive content to debut, such as new Rap Việt or Ơn Giời Cậu Đây Rồi episodes, they chose to broadcast on Premiere. One to two times a week, fans are notified that new content will be available via Premiere. The team uses the Facebook story swipe-up function to drive traffic to Premieres. At times, Facebook ads are also used to promote Premiere content.
Once the Premiere is live, an Admin moderates the comments and pins popular or important updates so fans can easily access them. This type of viewing experience allows audiences to react and comment in real-time which encourages interaction and elevates the entire viewing experience.
Engagement is also high in Dat Viet’s many Groups. Dat Viet Groups bring together hundreds of thousands of fans in Groups Rap Zone for Rap Viet fans or Running Man Vietnam for comedy fans. Each Group is brimming with topical discussions. The team drives engagement within each Group by posting call-to-action posts and short stories tailored to the Group’s topic.
Dat Viet also regularly produces photo and short video Stories that showcase content such as trending entertainment news and exciting insights into the daily lifestyles of celebrities.

#4 Get the entire ecosystem working
Being part of a massive broadcasting ecosystem, Dat Viet had numerous Facebook pages to use to their advantage, including ViewShows, VieNews and VieBuzz. On Facebook, these pages presented golden opportunities for maximizing reach and driving viewership traffic.
Sharing is a convenient way to showcase videos across multiple pages without having to upload them individually. Dat Viet shared those on-trend videos that had a huge potential reach, ensuring that they were accessible to the wider community.
One example is the sharing of the music talent show Rap Viet. Show highlight videos were posted across multiple Vie fanpages and external communities. This helped Rap Viet generate high levels of social engagements for the show.
Dat Viet’s shift to a Facebook-first strategy has been a success. It has not only generated revenue, but also established a stronger and more authentic relationship with its audiences.
Since its partnership with Facebook in 2019, the media giant has achieved:
- Doubled followers
- 45% increase in Revenue
- 24% increase in Views
- 51% increase in Interactions
- Number of uploaded videos nearly doubled
Data: CrowdTangle, Period: 2 Jan 2019 – 2 Jan 2020 VS 2 Jan 2020 – 2 Jan 2021. All results are self-reported and not identically repeatable. Generally expected individual results will differ.
Source: https://www.facebook.com/formedia/success-stories/datviet-facebook-first-strategy